Bengal Bay Blog

News, Commentary, Opinion from Bengal

  • Mandatory Military

    During the revolution the military played a big part it was a very tense situation, had the military not stood down we wouldn’t have a new government. International pressure and revolt from within the army placed them in a precarious position, either they face consequences or they side with the people.

    Military in our country plays a big part in peacekeeping missions abroad, with the UN having a significant portion of their army from our nation. When we see the military engaging in very harsh crimes against the revolution we see the tarnished image of what it once stood for.

    When the security forces of the country are used for political purpose then the forces themselves become very corrupt and beginning of the end for them. Geopolitics also has impacted our security forces in a major way, with events such as 1/11 serve as a reminder of the enemies of our country.

    As we are surrounded by enemy territory we need to establish ourselves as a powerful country to do that we need to have very strong military, border and other security forces. Security forces have become highly politicized in our nation, so reforming the institutions and making it apolitical is crucial.

    Having a strong security forces is about having trained citizens, here having youths serving the military will be an excellent addition for the country. Plenty of countries require mandatory military service which not only helps the security but also prepares citizens with the discipline and guidance.

    When citizens see the military service and the benefits it brings to the country and for themselves the less political influence it will have. Youths getting the opportunity to train not only their body but their minds, getting ready for battle, will serve as an important reminder to our enemies of the ready force we have.

  • Conspiring the revolution

    A revolution that the nation had witnessed was never expected, so much blood, carnage, death and destruction the citizens had to go through for over a month. In such hard times we begin to question about the revolt, and who is taking away the hard work of youths and ordinary citizens for their own benefit.

    All the energy, effort, and both mental and physical tasks was focused on removing an immovable ruler. So, when it eventually happened the psychology of people was a mixture of emotions from shock, to joy, to fear. Fear of the unknown, about what the future of the country would look like, the situation can easily be taken away by conspirators.

    While the snakes head had been cut off, the snakes full body is still intact, the benefactors of the regime are still operating, plotting, conspiring to ensure that the revolution never succeeds. These people are here to ensure the martyrs are erased from memory, the sacrifice and blood they shed will go to vain, truly they are amongst the most evil people on earth.

    In much the same way the revolution in 75 was taken over by conspirators, ensuring those who fought to give back our freedom to citizens are removed from the nation and face persecution. We are witnessing a similar occurrence, and it is from history that people will need to truly understand the historical implications.

    As the conspirators are working day and night from both home and abroad to ensure the revolution fails, it’s high time for concerned citizens to awaken. When both political parties are part of the conspiracy to establish themselves by ‘shaking hands’ with the devil, they will realize they have been doomed.

    It’s a monumental task ahead for the nation, with very little political support from the parties, it’s the same youths that will need to stand up for their rights, to ensure the blood sacrificed do no go in vain, it is them that needs to take the lead, it is them that will need to put a stop to the conspirators, for the revolution can never be taken away.

  • Finding Answers

    As the autocrat was ousted the streets were filled with color and joy, it was a beautiful sight to see the wonderful colors filling up on the walls, artistic expressions, July martyrs images, and lastly the devils image. It was a unique feeling that I never experienced before, this feeling of euphoria it was like feeling weightless.

    One thing I noticed during this rebellion is the women that joined in such huge numbers, especially young students from all educational institutions. They were the ones on the front lines and also the ones that drew the paintings on the wall. I also begun to wonder how did they manage to buy so much paint.

    To cover the whole city, across so many streets, bridges, and other places one needs to have a large supply of paint. Paint can be quite expensive and for students to manage this huge cost is not feasible, one can deduce that parents, community groups are able to help, but its not possible to do in such large scale project without enormous financial assistance.

    As I walked past several students painting on the streets I asked them regarding the paint and other materials that were needed, some of them didn’t know, some of them stated the funds were provided by their respective institutions. To me it’s still unclear how so much paint was provided, but also the whole revolution, the logistics, and lastly the launch of the new student party.

    There were rumors that it may have been funded by opposition parties, foreign agencies, philanthropist. Whoever did it the public should know, it is not against the revolution, but it is for the spirit. Revolutions are not done just by one group it is successful because every citizen joined in it.

    As I see that private university students being discriminated against the newly formed students party, women being discriminated, madrasa students, and many more to name. I fear that this revolution has been taken away by a small group so the citizens will need to ask questions.

  • Crime Spree

    Ever since the July revolution there are forces in place to ensure such a revolution is futile. While we can deal with petty crimes its a different game when it comes to careful coordinated attacks, which has been happening since last year after the government fell.

    Despite the unity of our nation since the fascists fall, things are coming apart very quickly, with careful barbaric attacks on our neighborhoods it has become another debacle that we must resolve. Again we must stand united to face such evil acts, it is important to fight not only for the blood that was shed during the revolution but also for the future of our nation.

    While we see the brutal crime spree on our phones, we must remember these are careful coordinated attacks by the enemy that doesn’t want the nation to be victorious. The enemy of the nation that has stolen our democracy, stolen our votes, stolen our voice will continue to finance such gruesome acts in the hopes of destabilizing the nation and coming back to power.

    Crooks have spread their fingers across all our nations institutions, the police is largely the supporter of the fascist regime, plundering billions are now an obstacle. Now, with the police being an ineffective force and training new recruits will take time, this is where all citizens come in to the aid of the nation.

    In much the same way the youths and all citizens fought against an autocrat we need to do the same. Every neighborhood will have volunteers all citizens need to join this group and ensure the safety and security of its neighborhood. Volunteering is an effective way to deal with the inadequacies of the state function, until the police is completely reformed such neighborhood volunteer groups shall take the responsibility of the security aided by trusted law enforcement officials.

  • Chickens Neck

    All the major issues that are creating problems with both India and our country is this point on the map. A narrow corridor that gives access to India to it’s seven sisters, a corridor that allows Nepal to easily access our country had India allowed it. It’s in this point that the geopolitical game will be played across South Asia.

    While we all want to live in a border-less world, the reality is very different we always want peace and security but some people do not want such peace. It is for this very reason that borders are needed, to establish the identity, culture, heritage of a nation, it preserves the integrity of a nation. Borders are necessary but access should not be restricted towards other nations.

    A narrow corridor commonly referred to as the chickens neck is the center point for a geopolitical storm, here several key countries are vastly invested in its strategic location. India is the biggest influence here, as it allows them access to it’s other regions through this narrow corridor, whereas our country has the advantage of cutting off this location, thereby cutting off India from it’s seven sisters. When India constantly interferes in our internal affairs, such a strategic move could bring them to the table.

    Besides political agenda, there are numerous economic benefits from other South Asian region, especially Nepal and Bhutan who can have access to our nation, thereby increasing trade and economy, not to mention the access it will bring to a new future for such a region which has been cut off by India. China is also vastly interested in this region, as it could be a key point for the ‘Asian highway’ bringing access to all major nations through this corridor.

    Borders are to be respected, when nations continue to show aggression, this border is the key point to bring political change, it can be used for both good and bad, how it is used will depend on its strategic input. India consistently undermining the sovereignty of our nation will mean we should be using such a strategic location for our own benefit, until or unless they back down and show us respect we should be playing the geopolitical game.