Bengal Bay Blog

News, Commentary, Opinion from Bengal

Revolutionary Road

As soon as we thought that the ‘July revolution’ was at its end, suddenly it awakened us, reminded us, to stay in this fight together. It is the people, especially the youth who have shown us the courage, the will, the difficult work it takes to rebuild a nation, a nation that is in tatters.

Nor did we forget the thousands of our citizens that were casualties in this hard fought battle. A battle where the opposing forces used all kinds of weapons and the courageous fighters had none, this resulted in extreme deaths, plenty of injured, a nation traumatized. After such a horrendous tragedy, after such lives were lost, after so many becoming injured – we the citizens will never forget nor forgive.

During such difficult times where we are trying to rebuild the nation piece by piece the face of the tyrant emerges. Tyrant showed no remorse, no apology for the killings, no feelings for the lives that were destroyed – her only remorse was loosing power. Power to her is so important it meant that she is willing to do anything to gain for it a perfect combination for anarchy.

Even though the political parties were not in favor of the ‘revolutionary response’,it is the youths the general public that have shown us how to respond to a monster appropriately. The witch is to be dealt with appropriate response her only future is to be burned for her misdeeds, which if the citizens get the opportunity will do so.

Even when all hope fades the youths, the general public will always show us the way, it is these folks who are upholding the spirit of the revolution, a revolution will need to take place before any election. Anyone trying to sabotage our revolution, will be dealt with the right way, the revolution shall continue the revolution needs to continue.


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