Bengal Bay Blog

News, Commentary, Opinion from Bengal

Indian media propaganda

Ever since our independence from the hegemony of India we have been bombarded with all kinds of danger, from flooding, border aggression, political instability, trade wars, and last but not least the disinformation war.

In much the same way a puppeteer moves their puppets, Modi has been moving Hasina, having full control of the state functions the puppet was basically following its orders from its master – India.

India needs Bangladesh very badly, unlike it’s other regional neighbors, Bangladesh is strategically placed which borders closely to it’s seven sisters, the stability and political situation of seven sisters is dependent on the political outcome of Bangladesh.

It therefore has been operating Bangladesh using an iron fist, Hasina basically being the puppet was completely controlled by Modi every decision, ever move was coming from Delhi – not from Dhaka.

When I now hear the chant ‘Delhi or Dhaka’ on the streets, its clear that the general people are completely aware of who is behind this autocratic rule in our country for decades. People have fought not only against an tyrant in their own country but they fought against India, and they won.

Loosing their grip on the political landscape meant loosing a key strategic country, therefore they have resorted to completely destabilize the nation. Information war is a very important war in the digital age, people are getting their news instantly on their screens, and the hub for this fake, disinformation, rumors are coming from mainly one nation and they are hell bent on taking Bangladesh back.

While India plays the ‘victim’ card by creating minority issues, and trying every second to destabilize the nation, it’s very important to have the right response. Getting the global powers to help and support in rebuilding the nation, getting regional nations to come in the aid of our nation, and most importantly having concerned citizens aware of the India media propaganda.


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