Bengal Bay Blog

News, Commentary, Opinion from Bengal

Finding Answers

As the autocrat was ousted the streets were filled with color and joy, it was a beautiful sight to see the wonderful colors filling up on the walls, artistic expressions, July martyrs images, and lastly the devils image. It was a unique feeling that I never experienced before, this feeling of euphoria it was like feeling weightless.

One thing I noticed during this rebellion is the women that joined in such huge numbers, especially young students from all educational institutions. They were the ones on the front lines and also the ones that drew the paintings on the wall. I also begun to wonder how did they manage to buy so much paint.

To cover the whole city, across so many streets, bridges, and other places one needs to have a large supply of paint. Paint can be quite expensive and for students to manage this huge cost is not feasible, one can deduce that parents, community groups are able to help, but its not possible to do in such large scale project without enormous financial assistance.

As I walked past several students painting on the streets I asked them regarding the paint and other materials that were needed, some of them didn’t know, some of them stated the funds were provided by their respective institutions. To me it’s still unclear how so much paint was provided, but also the whole revolution, the logistics, and lastly the launch of the new student party.

There were rumors that it may have been funded by opposition parties, foreign agencies, philanthropist. Whoever did it the public should know, it is not against the revolution, but it is for the spirit. Revolutions are not done just by one group it is successful because every citizen joined in it.

As I see that private university students being discriminated against the newly formed students party, women being discriminated, madrasa students, and many more to name. I fear that this revolution has been taken away by a small group so the citizens will need to ask questions.


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