During the revolution the military played a big part it was a very tense situation, had the military not stood down we wouldn’t have a new government. International pressure and revolt from within the army placed them in a precarious position, either they face consequences or they side with the people.
Military in our country plays a big part in peacekeeping missions abroad, with the UN having a significant portion of their army from our nation. When we see the military engaging in very harsh crimes against the revolution we see the tarnished image of what it once stood for.
When the security forces of the country are used for political purpose then the forces themselves become very corrupt and beginning of the end for them. Geopolitics also has impacted our security forces in a major way, with events such as 1/11 serve as a reminder of the enemies of our country.
As we are surrounded by enemy territory we need to establish ourselves as a powerful country to do that we need to have very strong military, border and other security forces. Security forces have become highly politicized in our nation, so reforming the institutions and making it apolitical is crucial.
Having a strong security forces is about having trained citizens, here having youths serving the military will be an excellent addition for the country. Plenty of countries require mandatory military service which not only helps the security but also prepares citizens with the discipline and guidance.
When citizens see the military service and the benefits it brings to the country and for themselves the less political influence it will have. Youths getting the opportunity to train not only their body but their minds, getting ready for battle, will serve as an important reminder to our enemies of the ready force we have.
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