Bengal Bay Blog

News, Commentary, Opinion from Bengal

Crime Spree

Ever since the July revolution there are forces in place to ensure such a revolution is futile. While we can deal with petty crimes its a different game when it comes to careful coordinated attacks, which has been happening since last year after the government fell.

Despite the unity of our nation since the fascists fall, things are coming apart very quickly, with careful barbaric attacks on our neighborhoods it has become another debacle that we must resolve. Again we must stand united to face such evil acts, it is important to fight not only for the blood that was shed during the revolution but also for the future of our nation.

While we see the brutal crime spree on our phones, we must remember these are careful coordinated attacks by the enemy that doesn’t want the nation to be victorious. The enemy of the nation that has stolen our democracy, stolen our votes, stolen our voice will continue to finance such gruesome acts in the hopes of destabilizing the nation and coming back to power.

Crooks have spread their fingers across all our nations institutions, the police is largely the supporter of the fascist regime, plundering billions are now an obstacle. Now, with the police being an ineffective force and training new recruits will take time, this is where all citizens come in to the aid of the nation.

In much the same way the youths and all citizens fought against an autocrat we need to do the same. Every neighborhood will have volunteers all citizens need to join this group and ensure the safety and security of its neighborhood. Volunteering is an effective way to deal with the inadequacies of the state function, until the police is completely reformed such neighborhood volunteer groups shall take the responsibility of the security aided by trusted law enforcement officials.


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