Bengal Bay Blog

News, Commentary, Opinion from Bengal

Degeneracy of society

A society that is near its end, will display all kinds of outrageous antics, the more bizarre and outrageous they get the more they stand out for their social positions. Rotting from within the blatant disrespect towards the people, the culture, the overall situation of the country is being on display.

Every civilization, culture has its ups and downs but one thing that can be certain is that whenever a society collapses – it does so in a very bizarre, degenerate way. One such antic in our country is the infamous ‘goat scandal’ where we heard that some guy bought a goat for an outrageous amount for sacrifice during Eid.

Here several factors are in play, Eid being a religious festival is an important holiday, where most people need to offer a sacrifice. In a nation where majority of the people are struggling to buy food, it becomes very difficult to buy cattle for sacrificing during Eid. In a show of complete disrespect to see someone buying a goat for a monumental price is disrespecting the population, the religion, the society. Crooked elites are having a laugh while the ordinary citizens are suffering.

This is a way for the tyrants to abuse its people, keep them below their foot while they bask in extravagance. Instead of using the money to buy sacrificial animals for those in need, it was used for only one goat. It could have been used to buy more than ten cows, but crooks would never do something good for society, they want it all for themselves.

Such show of opulence and rudeness not only towards it’s own religion but to the culture, the people, the country. It was later found out that the father was a government official amassing huge amount of wealth. This again proves the social decay of the nation, blatantly amassing huge wealth and then showing it off for society and nothing was done.

It’s high time that we never allow such opulence to be displayed in society, especially during our religious holidays. There needs to be specific laws that deals with the disrespect towards society, showing of extravagance lifestyle, should never be accepted, anyone who commits such acts will need to be punished in the most effective way.


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