Bengal Bay Blog

News, Commentary, Opinion from Bengal

Author: bengalbay

  • Degeneracy of society

    A society that is near its end, will display all kinds of outrageous antics, the more bizarre and outrageous they get the more they stand out for their social positions. Rotting from within the blatant disrespect towards the people, the culture, the overall situation of the country is being on display.

    Every civilization, culture has its ups and downs but one thing that can be certain is that whenever a society collapses – it does so in a very bizarre, degenerate way. One such antic in our country is the infamous ‘goat scandal’ where we heard that some guy bought a goat for an outrageous amount for sacrifice during Eid.

    Here several factors are in play, Eid being a religious festival is an important holiday, where most people need to offer a sacrifice. In a nation where majority of the people are struggling to buy food, it becomes very difficult to buy cattle for sacrificing during Eid. In a show of complete disrespect to see someone buying a goat for a monumental price is disrespecting the population, the religion, the society. Crooked elites are having a laugh while the ordinary citizens are suffering.

    This is a way for the tyrants to abuse its people, keep them below their foot while they bask in extravagance. Instead of using the money to buy sacrificial animals for those in need, it was used for only one goat. It could have been used to buy more than ten cows, but crooks would never do something good for society, they want it all for themselves.

    Such show of opulence and rudeness not only towards it’s own religion but to the culture, the people, the country. It was later found out that the father was a government official amassing huge amount of wealth. This again proves the social decay of the nation, blatantly amassing huge wealth and then showing it off for society and nothing was done.

    It’s high time that we never allow such opulence to be displayed in society, especially during our religious holidays. There needs to be specific laws that deals with the disrespect towards society, showing of extravagance lifestyle, should never be accepted, anyone who commits such acts will need to be punished in the most effective way.

  • Indian media propaganda

    Ever since our independence from the hegemony of India we have been bombarded with all kinds of danger, from flooding, border aggression, political instability, trade wars, and last but not least the disinformation war.

    In much the same way a puppeteer moves their puppets, Modi has been moving Hasina, having full control of the state functions the puppet was basically following its orders from its master – India.

    India needs Bangladesh very badly, unlike it’s other regional neighbors, Bangladesh is strategically placed which borders closely to it’s seven sisters, the stability and political situation of seven sisters is dependent on the political outcome of Bangladesh.

    It therefore has been operating Bangladesh using an iron fist, Hasina basically being the puppet was completely controlled by Modi every decision, ever move was coming from Delhi – not from Dhaka.

    When I now hear the chant ‘Delhi or Dhaka’ on the streets, its clear that the general people are completely aware of who is behind this autocratic rule in our country for decades. People have fought not only against an tyrant in their own country but they fought against India, and they won.

    Loosing their grip on the political landscape meant loosing a key strategic country, therefore they have resorted to completely destabilize the nation. Information war is a very important war in the digital age, people are getting their news instantly on their screens, and the hub for this fake, disinformation, rumors are coming from mainly one nation and they are hell bent on taking Bangladesh back.

    While India plays the ‘victim’ card by creating minority issues, and trying every second to destabilize the nation, it’s very important to have the right response. Getting the global powers to help and support in rebuilding the nation, getting regional nations to come in the aid of our nation, and most importantly having concerned citizens aware of the India media propaganda.

  • Revolutionary Road

    As soon as we thought that the ‘July revolution’ was at its end, suddenly it awakened us, reminded us, to stay in this fight together. It is the people, especially the youth who have shown us the courage, the will, the difficult work it takes to rebuild a nation, a nation that is in tatters.

    Nor did we forget the thousands of our citizens that were casualties in this hard fought battle. A battle where the opposing forces used all kinds of weapons and the courageous fighters had none, this resulted in extreme deaths, plenty of injured, a nation traumatized. After such a horrendous tragedy, after such lives were lost, after so many becoming injured – we the citizens will never forget nor forgive.

    During such difficult times where we are trying to rebuild the nation piece by piece the face of the tyrant emerges. Tyrant showed no remorse, no apology for the killings, no feelings for the lives that were destroyed – her only remorse was loosing power. Power to her is so important it meant that she is willing to do anything to gain for it a perfect combination for anarchy.

    Even though the political parties were not in favor of the ‘revolutionary response’,it is the youths the general public that have shown us how to respond to a monster appropriately. The witch is to be dealt with appropriate response her only future is to be burned for her misdeeds, which if the citizens get the opportunity will do so.

    Even when all hope fades the youths, the general public will always show us the way, it is these folks who are upholding the spirit of the revolution, a revolution will need to take place before any election. Anyone trying to sabotage our revolution, will be dealt with the right way, the revolution shall continue the revolution needs to continue.

  • Looters Legacy

    A family that has a reputation of looting and plundering kept its promise by doing exactly that. Under the protection from its’ big neighbor they were given the ‘green’ signal to carry out their gruesome sins.

    While we always blame the robbers and thieves the politicians are no different. For the public it’s unimaginable that people who are always on the constant spotlight who have been trusted with authority and responsibility to make society better, are themselves the very crooks people need protection from.

    Using the arm of politics these clever fraudsters tricked everyone from the public to the government institutions, to carry out their con scheme. Ever since its independence the nation has always fallen into the hands of the undeserving, whose very aim is to attain political status and use it to make as much wealth as possible. Politics is the quickest most feasible way they have chosen to do that.

    When we look at the Sheikh family from the former prime minister to her son, her sister, niece they are all part of a criminal organization. She being the prime minister is the head of the mafia group taking bribes from anyone and everyone local companies to foreign conglomerates, even foreign governments have paid their dues to her.

    With no shame from taking such huge bribes – which amount to hundreds of billions most of it moved abroad, they are constantly seeking to establish their rule. A country constantly devastated by natural disaster, prone to climate change, living in such difficult and challenging times – the sheikh family have no remorse no guilt, no shame that they have left for future generations the legacy of looters.

  • Mission Impossible

    No one could have imagined that the face of the dictator the person responsible for creating terror and chaos across the nation, the person who wreaked havoc on its citizens both here and abroad, whose very name people feared to utter the word, would someday be the place where people would dishonor and humiliate the symbol of tyranny.

    For more than a decade she has spread out her tentacles like a spider weaving its nest, across all culture, civil life, education, sports, anywhere and everywhere her venom would trickle down to every fabric of society. Like this her rule ensured that she be like a queen, her throne unmovable, you are either a supporter or an outcast, no one dared to challenge her, those who did – were never to be heard again.

    Establishing fascism for her was easy, her greatest friend one who has given her all the help, the blueprint, the advise, support for her journey – India. As the nation of India really begun to ensure that Bangladesh becomes a vessel state the final card was being played with her – a woman. Putting on a global stage the image of a woman leading a nation from this new era was a gift that would be milked quite easily.

    While the west had given the nod to give her the support thanks to India – the people of the country have had enough. Despite numerous attempts to overthrow such autocrats it was never possible, it was quite impossible every attempt was thwarted with swift and crushing response. Until one time the youth the students of the country used all of their energy, mind, cooperation to hold such monsters accountable.

    The very same youths several years ago held ‘transport’ protest around the country in an instant the people saw that the autocrats, monsters could be bought down to their knees, the inexperience the overall plan wasn’t there to follow up. So, the same youths grew up and learned from their mistakes they realized they could bring such dictators down and so the final battle begun.

    With relentless demonstrations, a war was fought, the kind of war that was fought with sticks and stones, the youth and public had no weapons, no training, just intuition. On the other hand fascists used all kinds of weaponry towards the youth, what no one could imagine despite the brutality the people kept getting stronger and stronger. Like a battlefield bodies were lying – in the end the public won without any weapons, without any army, without any support from anyone it was impossible but miracles do happen.